Simple Stretches To Relieve Back Pain

October 30, 2023
  1. Cat-Cow Stretch: Get down on all fours and arch your back up towards the ceiling (like a cat) then let your back dip down towards the ground (like a cow). Repeat this motion slowly for about 10 repetitions.
  2. Child’s Pose: Sit on your knees and stretch your arms out in front of you while lowering your head to the ground. This stretch can help lengthen your spine and relax your lower back.
  3. Cobra Pose: Lie down on your stomach and place your hands on the ground next to your shoulders. Press your hands down and lift your upper body up while keeping your hips on the ground. This stretch can help relieve tension in your upper back.
  4. Seated Spinal Twist: Sit down with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your right knee and place your foot on the ground outside of your left thigh. Twist your upper body towards the right and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Hamstring Stretch: Sit down with your legs extended in front of you. Reach forward towards your toes while keeping your back straight. This stretch can help relieve tension in your lower back.

Remember to stretch gently and stop if you feel any pain. These stretches can be done daily to help improve your back pain. However, if your pain persists or gets worse, be sure to consult a healthcare professional.

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